While Ed is away, I have a few goals:
1. Sew A LOT. Or at least cut out a lot of my projects so I can simply go from project to project without stopping to cut out new patterns which is my least favorite part of sewing.
2. Do the bare minimum of cooking, cleaning and housework. I went to the grocery yesterday and purchased many many lean cuisine meals.
3. Spend some time with family in Kentucky..
So, that's it sweet and simple. So far, I have finished one and a half dresses and one and a half skirts for the girls. I must be developing some ADD b/c normally I would never dream of starting a new project before you finish a prior one, but once I got the pattern for the Handmade dress, I stopped cold in my tracks, pushed the second skirt aside (which only needs to be hemmed- I can do that anytime, right)and set to cutting out the dress. I finished it yesterday and have the second one halfway finished as of now. Maybe I'll finish it today? The girls and I are going to later church today, but I still better sign off for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful Lord's Day. P.S. Ed arrived safely in Kenya yesterday.