Little House in Forest Acres

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I've lost it!

I went to 9 hours of professional meetings at the end of last week. So, here is what I learned. I am just not that into audiology anymore. There I have said it, and I feel better. Actually, maybe it was just the particular topics of this meeting- Tele-Health and Ethics. I really was fighting the urge to play with my iphone for much of the meeting. I loved my patients when I was working, and my friends at work were some of the best I have ever had, and I still like to hear how things are going in the workplace for them. I think I could even jump back into work at my former place of employment and enjoy it, but this meeting just didn't ignite that particular interest in me.

Now, if this meeting had been a homeschooling conference, I could have listened attentively for hours on how to help emergent readers. We have a new schedule this semester for dance, choir and my cooking co-op. I like the new schedule because I am at home for longer periods of the day before we venture out for said events. This means I get more done at home- cha ching!! I have started working out to some videos (Chalean Extreme) at home, too. One of my friends recently said of me that she would not be surprised to hear me comment that I had re-worked the new schedule so we never have to leave the house. Is it that obvious that I struggle with how to balance things?

I just love having blocks of time to accomplish things. How can you get things done if you are constantly running around? I guess I am just not wired that way. Well, I have more to say, but I am out of time.

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