Little House in Forest Acres

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fairytale Princesses

So, I continue to be a very bad blogger. I just can't seem to post as often as I think about it. Our week has been a whirlwind of activity. I'd tell you about it, but I am too tired. The girlies attended a birthday party of a sweet friend this evening wearing full princess (or mermaid) attire. Ava is most proud of her "dress up" hair.

I finally finished smocking ONE Christmas dress. I have also managed to sew each girl a cute tiered skirt for fall/winter. I hope to cut out a sweet fall dress for them over the weekend to start on in the next week or so. I will continue to work on the additional Christmas dress, too. At least, it is portable since the smocking is done by hand.

We have finished 5 weeks of school so far this year, and I am really trying to stay out of the "are we doing enough, or the right things" trap and just trust that what we chose to do for this year is sufficient.
I had a bit of a difficult day today, and actually, we did not do any school. I still have 4 loads of clean but unfolded laundry, and I don't even know how much dirty laundry. Those of you who know me well, know that laundry is my thing. I can somehow live with a dirty bathroom (ickk, but true) but ever expanding dirty laundry throws me into panic mode. I don't even know how I am typing instead of folding right now. Maybe I am being healed from my obsession with laundry OR maybe I have been overwhelmed ALL day and just cannot do ONE more thing. I am going to rest and read a book now. God is good, and I am going to rest in Him.

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