I wrote this as the first in a series of "A Day in the Life" pieces for the Greater Columbia Area Mothers of Twins Club monthly newsletters. It just seemed like a good place to start the blog, and it was already written (an added bonus).
Our days as mothers probably bear more similarities than differences. We love our children. And, we frequently find our love being made visible in the work we do for them. We worry are they eating healthy? We plan activities for them and hope they are not watching too much TV. Most days we cook, clean, clothe (in one form or another), train and teach them. This is an awesome responsibility.
Even though the work we do for our children is frequently the same from day to day, each day is different no matter how alike our tasks may seem. For this, I am glad. Life with children guarantees one will never experience boredom.
This day began like most any other. By 6:30am both girls were cuddling in bed with me. My husband, Ed had made the coffee and was walking our dog. Breakfast was my first duty of the day. We were having muffins made in a donut shaped pan because Jenna “doesn’t like muffins” and bacon- which was actually turkey bacon, but we can’t say that because Ava doesn’t eat animals. She has not yet figured out that even regular bacon comes from a pig. I will cry when she finally figures this out.
The muffins, I mean, “donuts” stick to the pan. This has never happened before. Ava spills an entire cup of juice, on the just cleaned floor, not once but twice. This is ironic because I had spent the previous day cleaning. I sort of wipe up the mess and carry on with getting ready.
Ava and Jenna have art camp this morning, and I have planned several errands. I drop them off and get going.
I go to:
JoAnn’s- craft supplies- I am planning to have the girls do some beginning needlepoint with large hoops, burlap and blunt tapestry needles. I know they are going to love this.
Sherwin Williams- 2 gallons of paint for what seems like my never ending home improvement.
Educational Wonderland- pick up previously laminated items.
Wal-Mart- Canning supplies- Ava really wants to can something since we read Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey.
Library- Pick up books on hold
The morning behind me and all tasks accomplished, I pick up Ava & Jenna. Once we are home, I get them settled for rest time. They listen to Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingles Wilder. I unload the dishwasher, deal with the juice mess from the morning, shuffle and fold some laundry, RSVP to a birthday party, make a hotel reservation, and run the vacuum downstairs where there is a surprise awaiting me under the ottoman. Yes, I found a spot where our dog had crawled under the ottoman and regurgitated something on the living room rug. I set to cleaning this up, and Jenna comes down to ask, “Is rest time over?” Then she begins to call out, “My clock says 3:22” and so on. I finally relent and declare rest time over. We decide to make magic popcorn for snack. The Jiffy Pop, I thought, would be amusing for the girls to watch. As the foil pouch expanded, a tear formed around the seal and popcorn began to shoot out the side something like ammunition out of an AK-47. At first, this was funny until some of the kernels caught on fire. I turned off the gas and began to blow the flames to no avail. My second line of defense was trying to swat out the now five to six inch flames with a damp dish cloth. The phone begins ringing. It seems like forever before the machine picks up. I finally conclude I must dump baking soda on the flames AND my previously cleaned stove top. Thankfully, this snuffs out the fire. The aftermath, however, was stinky and required the use of a shop vac.
We were able to eat the popcorn that stayed in the foil, and while I was cleaning up, we were able to discuss and later practice what we would have done if I had been unable to put out the fire. This was a teachable moment that I could never have planned. The fire also generated quite a lot of excitement from the girls around the time Ed came home. They loved telling Daddy about the fire.
Later, we do get out the cross stitch supplies. They do love it, and Jenna says she is stitching a burning down house. After we say our prayers and get ready for bed, they want to know if we can make magic popcorn again. I am still thinking about that.